Does massage help you lose extra pounds?

“If fitness is your life. Massage is your prize.”

Our bodies store fat in fat cells. Research has shown that if you regularly massage the area where excess fat accumulates, the fat cells can be reduced, however, in addition to the massage, you must also exercise and take care of your diet.

Weight loss massages are used to eliminate fat in the arms, belly, buttocks, legs, and hips. In general, they manage to lose sizes and shape your figure using reducing creams and appliances that serve so that the massage moves and fragments bulges of accumulated body fat that are difficult to lose in any other way.


Why is massage used as a therapy to lose weight?

With the right use of the hands, the massage that is done so that you can lose weight and size will help you reduce the accumulations of fat that you have in your problem areas, through movements that require some pressure on your skin. For example, if you are a woman, you may have problems with your hips, belly, forearms, upper back, ankles, and the back where they form rolls that you can eliminate and shape your figure to the size you want.

If you are a man you will have fewer problems in other areas of the body than in the belly where fat tends to accumulate when you have a sedentary life.


Body fat reduction massage: How it works?

This type of massage can be useful to perform the massages that your body needs, such as the reducing massage of the abdomen and belly, which are used to lose weight and reduce sizes in the waist.

Reducing the amount of fat in the waist can have an aesthetic purpose without a doubt. In addition, it helps you prevent chronic degenerative diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, caused by waists greater than 80 centimeters for women and 90 centimeters for men. Reducing body fat also helps improve problems such as body swelling, constipation, and fluid retention.


What do massages do for weight loss?

Through friction movements, the reducing massage breaks down the fat so that it can be easily disposed of. It helps you achieve your goal faster than people who only exercise, because they get rid of your extra kilos and shape your figure, controlling the reduction of sizes so that you obtain a healthy and aesthetic body through friction movement.

With at least one reductive massage a week you will be able to reduce sizes and in combination with a proper diet and a series of aerobic, resistance, and strength exercises, your body will be stronger and more harmonious, which will allow you to feel more confident.

In generally, massage can be an aid that will have a positive effect on weight loss.


Massage service Dubai – leave yourself in the hands of a professional massage therapist for the best results!

Only a professional and certified massage therapist can give you the best results for fat-reducing massage and any other kind of massage. So hiring a professional massage therapist can be the best decision you will make for your good appearance and health!

Do you want a professional massage in the ambiance of your home or in a well-decorated massage studio?

Maybe you should try the benefits of a home massage in Dubai?

Home massage in Dubai definitely should be your ”never to miss” experience! In just 5 minutes, you can schedule your massage appointment!

So be free to schedule your first professional massage service in Dubai!

Massage Therapist in Dubai telefon Contact: +971504264073