Does massage help you lose extra pounds?

“If fitness is your life. Massage is your prize.” Our bodies store fat in fat cells. Research has shown that if you regularly massage the area where excess fat accumulates, the fat cells can be reduced, however, in addition to the massage, you must also exercise and take care of your diet. Weight loss massages...
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Why summer is the perfect time for massage?

Why summer is the perfect time for massage?

“Massage is spending quality time with yourself.” Trips from here to there, swimming in the sea, long walks, running after children…Yes, we are already fully into summer! A time to enjoy but in...
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How often should you be massaged?

How often should you be massaged?

“I like getting massages regularly. So much so, that I built a massage room adjacent to my office.” – Stewart Rahr (American entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist) The frequency and...
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Why everyone should have a face massage?

Why everyone should have a face massage?

“Sometimes you have to just let go…. and have a masssage day!” Face massage is the essential beauty routine of celebs who have managed to escape the passage of time without surgery, and there...
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Can you use massage for headache relief?

Can you use massage for headache relief?

”I’d rather get a massage and get the problem rubbed out than taking a pill and just feel drugged out.” Do you want to get rid of headaches in an effective and natural way? If you...
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Feet massage: what you need to know?

Feet massage: what you need to know?

May your day be as relaxing as a foot massage? The feet are a reflection of the state of our body and most of the time we do not give them the care they really deserve. They are usually the most...
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How massage with training improves performance in sportsmen?

How massage with training improves performance in sportsmen?

“Time spent getting a massage is never a waste.” Do you know the benefits of massages with training for athletes? Sports massage is an integral part of the preparation of all top athletes, both...
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Does massage rejuvenate and in what way?

Does massage rejuvenate and in what way?

“They say you can’t buy happiness. I guess you’ve never bought a massage before.” If you are wondering if massage rejuvenates, then you should read these lines. It should be noted that the...
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Home massage Dubai: the ultimate experience for body and soul!

Home massage Dubai: the ultimate experience for body and soul!

“Happiness is massage day.”   Did you know that you can enjoy a professional massage from the comfort of your home? The home service massage is not a luxury – it is a great experience...
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Therapeutic massage: How to relieve pain in a natural way?

Therapeutic massage: How to relieve pain in a natural way?

“Life is better after getting a massage.” Can’t stand the pain anymore? You don’t want to live on painkillers? Do you know the side effects of these drugs?  Well, have you thought...
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How to get rid of stress with the help of antistres massage?

How to get rid of stress with the help of antistres massage?

“Keep calm and get a massage.” You are often tense and stressed, and you don’t know how to get rid of it? Welcome to the 21st century, which many call the era of stress. Really, stress is...
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Top 5 reasons to get a professional massage

Top 5 reasons to get a professional massage

”Never put off your massage until tomorrow if you can get it today. ”                                                                              ...
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