How often should you be massaged?

“I like getting massages regularly. So much so, that I built a massage room adjacent to my office.”

– Stewart Rahr (American entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist)

The frequency and duration of the massage will depend on the type of massage you want and the areas you want to treat. Many studies recommend a certain frequency and duration of massage to address basic health problems such as pain or injury.

Talk to a massage therapist to find out how often you should visit to meet your needs.


Why is massage so important?

The primary purpose of massage is prevention. In addition to reducing and addressing the causes of everyday stress, it puts before it important chapters of the genetic code as well as lifestyle and occupational diseases. The basis of prevention is to repair the cause of a possible disease, which means acting on the core of the problem.

For example, if your job is related to long-term sitting, the massage will delay the appearance of tense and hypertonic back muscles, it will not allow the appearance of painful lumps on them, the so-called myogelosis and fibrositis. Good circulation and flexibility will have a beneficial effect on the spine itself and thus delay the problem of ossification.

A detailed massage at least once a week is preventively advised.

For example, relax massage is recommended once from 2 to 4 times a week.

Therapeutic massages are applied as needed, depending on the type of problem, and are performed daily or every other day, until the problem is resolved.

Research has confirmed that a quality, detailed massage means the body like 6-7 hours of sleep, which is conducive to relaxation, reducing the stress of irritability. Massage is not the goal to separate a person from the daily routine and way of life, but to prepare us for everyday challenges.


Massage as a treatment for ailments? How often should you go for this type of massage?

Massage has its application in almost all ailments of our body, problems and diseases. Whether it is problems of joints and muscles, respiratory system, heart and blood vessels, endocrine glands, digestive system, etc. – massage is an integral part of physical medicine and a very serious business. How often it will be applied should be decided by a specialist.

It should be noted that massage is one of the links in the chain of therapy. Massage should not replace other medical interventions that are necessary to treat the underlying health condition.

Massage is an excellent introduction to kinesitherapy exercises because it bleeds, relaxes and prepares muscles, ligaments and joints for successful movement. Also, excellent results are achieved by a combination of manual and hydro massage.

It is very important that you are massaged by a person who is relaxed and who ”suits” you, who knows and loves to provide massage, as well as to adapt to your needs, or else the massage will leave the opposite effect and only deepen the feeling of irritability, nervousness and displeasure.

Regular massage improves the body’s immunity, its condition, removes toxins, water, tones the skin, deeply relaxes the mind, relieves heart rate, and balances energy.

In general, there are countless benefits of regular massage, which raises the quality, satisfaction and happiness in life.


How often someone will go for a massage is up to him to decide. Listening to yourself, your needs, and your desires.

Hiring a professional massage therapist in Dubai – your best decision!

Only a professional and certified massage therapist can give you all these benefits.

If you live or come to Dubai, then you know how much massage can help you in the circumstances of urban and fast-paced life. So hiring a professional massage therapist can be the best decision you will make for your body and your mind!

Do you want a professional massage in the ambiance of your home or in a well-decorated massage studio? The decision is up to you. You should know that home service massage is very popular now.

So do not delay the ultimate pleasure of relaxation and schedule your first professional massage right in Dubai!

Contact: +971504264073